March 13, 2025


February 21, 2025
4Min Reads

Every cat owner knows that their pet's urinary system is prone to problems. So, when thinking about helping your cat, the question may arise: can cats drink stone breaker tea or is it harmful?

Every cat owner knows that their pet's urinary system is prone to problems. So, when thinking about helping your cat, the question may arise: can cats drink stone breaker tea or is it harmful?

The question is pertinent, after all, the plant is widely used in human phytotherapy to prevent kidney and bladder stones. There are clinical studies indicating its use in this way. However, you need to be sure that your cat can drink quebra-pedra tea before offering it to them. Come and find out!

Stone breaker tea: what is it and what is it for?

This plant, called Phyllanthus ninuri , is native to America, has a thin stem and small leaves. The benefits of quebra-pedra tea are already indicated by the herb's popular name: they refer to the fragmentation of kidney and bladder stones.

In fact, in humans, clinical studies suggest that quebra-pedra tea can help prevent the formation of “stones” because it reduces the agglomeration of crystals present in the urine. However, there is no scientific evidence that the herb is capable of breaking up stones that have already formed.

Therefore, although it can be used for prevention, this tea is not useful for treating stones. Thus, the drink cannot dissolve stones that people already have. However, what about felines? Can cats drink quebra-pedra tea?

Is it possible to give stone breaker tea to cats?

Can cats drink stone breaker tea and benefit from the effects of the plant? Theoretically, herbs such as Phyllanthus ninuri have substances that are potentially beneficial to felines' bodies.

However, the cat would have to drink a lot of tea, several times a day, for the herb's properties to take effect. This is neither feasible nor healthy for felines in most cases.

Technical note from CRMV-MA

The Regional Council of Veterinary Medicine of Maranhão (CRMV-MA) has spoken out on the matter. In a technical note, the body made it clear that there are no studies on companion animals on the use of tea, or even the active ingredients, of the quebra-pedra plant .

Furthermore, the council warned that it is not safe, nor recommended, to offer the drink to any animal to try to prevent or treat urinary tract stones. The authority even concluded that giving quebra-pedra tea to a feline constitutes mistreatment.

This causes greater suffering to the pet and can delay the search for professional care for the correct and effective treatment of the animal's condition. Therefore, it is best not to offer this herb. If you still want to please your cat, know that cats can drink catnip tea, for example. To find out about other permitted drinks, consult a veterinarian.


So why are cats more prone to urinary problems?

Many owners think about giving their cats stone breaker tea due to the recurrence of urinary problems in this species. Some factors contribute to cats being more prone to kidney disease than dogs, for example.

Among these factors, genetic predisposition (especially in some breeds, such as Persian and Siamese ) and low water intake stand out . Regarding this last aspect, it is important to keep in mind that cats have an organism adapted to absorb the water components of the prey they consume.

Therefore, in the wild, it is less common for them to seek out a water source. Domesticated cats reproduce this behavior, but they generally eat dry food. This type of food does not hydrate the animal like prey.

Furthermore, cats do not have a neural thirst system like humans, which “triggers” the preference to drink water whilst the frame desires hydration. Recently, some studies have also cautioned a correlation between stress and the improvement of kidney troubles.

What can be accomplished to save you urinary issues in cats?

Increasing your cat's every day water consumption is crucial to save you the formation of kidney stones and overloading the kidneys, that are the organs accountable for filtering blood. To try this, one recommended degree is to make the water as attractive as viable on your pussycat.

This manner providing handiest smooth, sparkling water, ideally in water bowls that keep the temperature, including those made of ceramic or clay. It is likewise really worth making an investment in a fountain, as cats are extra interested in shifting liquid.

Remember that cats drink water each time they have got the threat. They also are pretty lazy. Therefore, vicinity numerous water fountains or pots around the residence. This manner, after they bypass by using a water fountain, they'll forestall to drink.

Another tip worth putting into practice is about feline nutrition. Highly palatable, wet food has 70% water in its composition. Therefore, supplementing or replacing dry food with it is an effective way to indirectly ensure water intake.

Beyond water

Taking your pet for a veterinary check-up at least once a year is another important step to take to detect urinary diseases early, especially if your cat isn't a big fan of drinking water. The professional can also recommend which tea your cat can drink to encourage water intake, for example.

Finally, ensuring that your cat has a happy and stress-free life is essential not only for their emotional health, but also for their physical health. Therefore, try to understand your pet's needs and invest in environmental enrichment to encourage the species' natural behaviors.

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